Remote Healthcare for Eating Disorders During Covid-19, RHED-C, is a research project designed to learn from lockdown, to help create inclusive futures for people with eating distress to access remote healthcare.

Led by Claire Murphy-Morgan, this Psychology research involves listening to people with eating distress, or disordered eating, to identify challenges and opportunities encountered during lockdown.
My role in the project was to produce a co-designed animation to help participants articulate, reflect, and extract learning from their experiences of lockdown.
Working with artist Helen Shaddock, we conducted arts-workshops which included mark-making, using image and colour to scaffold conversations with participants around the challenges of lockdown. These workshops were seen as therapeutic in themselves, bringing together communities around shared experience, and making a platform for ideas exchange and peer-support.
The workshops resulted in a wealth of rich visual imagery generated by participants. I led the development of the animation, below, as a way of capturing and reflecting upon this rich, mixed data.
The below video is a making-of mini documentary, made for the CHI '24 Video Showcase, shortlisted for the Best Movie Award.
Read the related publications here:
‘Stepping outside the red line.’ An exploration of two co-design methodologies exploring lived experiences of remote support for eating disorders throughout COVID-19 and beyond. Murphy-Morgan, C., Branley-Bell, D.,  Collingham, H., Shaddock, H., & Malowaniec, P., 2024. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design4Health (D4H '24) pp288-292
Thank you to Eating Distress North East (EDNE) and to all the participants who gave their valuable time and knowledge in the making of this work.
Research Team: Claire Murphy Morgan, Dawn Brannely Bell, Henry Colingham, Helen Shaddock
This work was funded by Medical Research Foundation as part of RHED-C [MRF-058-0016-F-BRAN-C0868] and Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council as part of Centre for Digital Citizens [EPSRC, EP/T022582/1]